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What is broken as broken can be? The Democrat political party.

I know it, you know it, and every conscious breathing human being in America knows it.

How do we know it? Besides the obvious controlled chaos and in fighting that was presented at the Democrat National Convention there is this quote from Gavin Newsome.

(Funny, Beyonc'e or JZ did not even show up at the DNC. That says something.) Beyoncé Will Not Attend 2024 DNC, Rep Says (

California Governor, Gavin Newsome: “We went through a very open process, a very inclusive process. It was bottom-up, I don’t know if you know that. That’s what I’ve been told to say,” Newsom said as he laughed during a talk with “Pod Save America”. Not that Gavin is perturbed or anything.

And we all saw Gavin Newsome early on attempting to set himself up to move in on Joe's spot, then he got "THE PHONE CALL". Democrat leadership: It is not your time, shut up and get in line. That and his extremely poor and highly embarrassing performance in a debate between him and Governor Ron Desantis (R) of Florida who crushed him revealing his political weaknesses in the real world. Newsome was being so manhandled by Desantis; Newsome's wife was forced to stop the debate!

Joe was going to be the candidate (D) for president no matter what. Until it became sooo insurmountable for the Democrat machine and their Hollywood corporate media apparatus to continue to cover up Joe's mental decline. That and his lifelong incompetence that it became obvious he had to be replaced. And when it came down to it Joe had to be replaced by his vice president who is universally considered to be an empty pants suit who makes Joe's incompetence look like an exercise in Newtonian mathematics.

I thought that Kamala would be paid off with a $100 million dollar book deal as is the way of the Liberal now radical corporate politically interested Democrats. Kamala Harris has no business even thinking about being the president, Democrat party machine apparatus or not. I know that you know that, and everyone knows that.

That $100 million dollar book deal and possibly the potential of becoming a Supreme Court Justice? But that did not happen, the now "progressive" radicals among the Democrats who now have the Democrat party by the balls and have captured it insisted that Kamala Harris could not be passed over because she is a woman AND she is a woman of color. "And it is time".

The Democrat party has been captured by their own perversions, symbolism and Marxist political ideology and pathology of corruption. The party just assumed that they covered for Joe and his obvious failings, his history and corruption$ and installed him anyway. And they would now cover for Kamala and do the same. The media is a powerful messenger and manipulator for the mentally softened masses.

"Always Remember: Politics is not about truth and morality. Politics is about winning and the control of and the retention of power. Truth and morality are not the business that any politician or government is in."

And now the Democrat party is stuck with not Gavin Newsome, failed governor of the Communist state of California. No, no, the Democrat party taken over by the worst anti Americans among them has been forced to accept a person for the presidency of the United States of America just because she is a woman and has a slight skin tone who is wholly unqualified to run a donut shop.

Should be an interesting couple of months, stand by.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 8/24/24

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