When we step back and take a 30-thousand-foot look at the panorama that is American history beginning in 2008 and the presidential campaign and eventual election of Barak Hussein Obama, what do we see? In that now broad view, we can detect a theme, and we can begin to see what is not meant to be clearly seen. We can begin to see the picture due to modern times and modern technology and how the media and political operatives in fact are determined to shape and install the political front men and women of their choosing in your reality.
Think of this change of view in terms of having someone holding your head with your nose hard against a 60" flat screen digital TV and you are only allowed to see and interpret the pixels that are right before your eyes. And they ask you: What do you see? However, with the luxury of now being able to put some time and space between the screen from 2008 that you have always only been allowed to see and you are now standing 16 years in the future in 2024. And now you can now see what you were not ever meant to see and understand.
If you remember all through those earlier days, there was a massive controversy about Barak Hussein Obama's place of birth and if you dared question the highly questionable and sketchy documentation that was created and presented for public consumption you were labeled a racist and conspiracy theorist. If you dared question the media and your political master's narrative that is how they labeled you in order to discredit what your own common sense tells you is likely a lie and not true. That is the exact definition of gas lighting.
Go over the details of the amassed Obama birth certificate evidence for yourself with clearer eyes: https://youtu.be/dOP5Y9OUJyk?si=W2vnjt3tXHeXTqdq You tell me.
And now we have Kamala Harris (D) and her turn at being transformed before everyone's eyes into the "first black woman" presidential candidate. Is Kamala Harris really black enough so that black America will embrace and vote for her? You tell me. She may be a woman of color, but is she in fact a BLACK American? You know, like Candice Ownes is a BLACK American. And this question terrifies the radical Leftist Democrat political machine should they lose locked down control of this ongoing subterfuge.
Keeping in mind that the radical Leftist Democrat party machine will do anything, up to and including murder. Anything that they possibly can do to keep their black audience in the American electorate connected and obedient! This is an essential component of their overarching international "Transformational" agenda.
Candice Ownes, outspoken and controversial. A young black woman that does not like being lied to: "Kamala lied about her black grandparents":
Is it even credibly possible for Kamala Harris (D) to make such a blatant mistake about who she has taken a picture with while specifically visiting her in Jamaica in her own book? I think you would know whether you were in a picture with your own grandmother or not, especially when she apparently died 4 years before you were born. Who exactly is the woman that Kamala Harris is pictured with? Because it apparently cannot be her actual grandmother.
My 30,000-thousand-foot point today? Mr. Obama himself when he was a young writer attempting to establish himself in some career trajectory, he in his own initial book promotional material stated that "HE WAS BORN IN KENYA". I did not say that, Barak Hussein Obama said it. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/13/02/d1/1302d133f09e33d34f1194eb7b8bbdf6--obama-lies-barack-obama-bio.jpg It is either a purposeful lie and deception or it is the truth. You tell me.
And now Kamala Harris has apparently done similar. Both in my opinion are signals that reveal how our American society is massaged, manipulated, deceived and gaslighted by political party handlers specifically on the extreme Left who are expert at such deceptions in order to install their people where they will serve their purposes. Their collective purposes in "Transforming America".
It is most all made up and scripted for Pedestrian Realm consumption. I want to know who Kamala's "grandmother" is in the photo. I want to see the video of her handling "her weapon" at the range refining her shooting skills. You know getting ready to shoot whoever dares to break into her home. And I want to know exactly which McDonalds she worked at in her youth "making the fries". It is ALL fake, this is the only way a fraudulent and clearly unqualified on all levels political candidate (D) facade can attempt to connect with the everyday American. Just one more Democrat party machine symbolic and Potemkin village candidate.
Always Remember: Politics is not about truth and morality. Politics is about winning and the control of and the retention of power. Truth and morality are not the business that any politician or government is in. CORE SIGMA3iOC
So, you tell me, do you as an American like to be lied to in such a blatant right in your face manner? Do you like the gas lighting that the do anything for political power and control Democrats and the media who seek your surrendering your American Constitution and Rights to their Globalist U.N. agenda of authoritarian control? Bend over, Mr. Diddy will be right with you.
Remember, it is all a "conspiracy theory" only until it is proven to be the truth. And that is happening more and more and your vision and view of what is really ongoing should be getting sharper and sharper.
Technology is a very sharp double-edged sword that cuts deeply both ways. Do not allow it to cut you.
Are you paying attention yet America? 9/25/24