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The now radical and Globalist oriented Democrat party is delivering chaos and crime to America, and it is not by mistake it is by a carefully orchestrated agenda of power acquisition and control.

You see it unraveling before your own eyes every day. This is what the highjacked now radical Democrat party is actively accomplishing in America right now and today. If you support and vote for them then you are also supporting their agenda. Make no mistake about it.

What is the agenda? Destroy all and every accepted modern American cultural, sexual, economic and military norm. And rebuild the country in a model that the radical Left and Socialists of the world have determined is necessary in order to "Fundamentally Transform" America and the planet and usher the world into a one E.U style authoritarian form of government.

America is the one thing, the one government entity based in a strong bullet proof Constitution that ensures the individuals naturally born Rights, private property ownership and a mode of self-protection against the abuse of power of government and a Right to be armed that stands firmly in the way of the radical Left and the Globalists. America must be taken down is their dedicated mantra. And what do you have to say about that America?

And how is that "Fundamental Transformation" (Destruction) of America being accomplished by the radical Leftists / international U.N. / Socialist Globalist entities of the world?

  • Through politics and a no border policy the administration floods the country through with millions of unvetted people from the third world in order to displace and destabilize and displace the existing prosperous American voting middleclass. Both black and white.

  • Pervert and corrupt the election system by introducing mass mail in voting, early voting and several other destabilizing modes of election and tabulation. It's not the voting that wins, it's the counting that counts that wins.

  • Destroy accepted cultural and moral male and female sexual and orientation rolls and norms in schools and promote it in the media in order to further morally divide and indoctrinate the more Liberal young and the more Conservative, experienced mature Americans.

  • Pervert and destabilize all religions and belief systems that could be politically cohesive for traditional Americans (Judeo / Christian / Colonizer religions). Except for Islam because they are the Globalist Street force and muscle and can be very violent, and they may kill any political figure who stands in opposition to them and what their religion commands which is invasion and conquest. (Religious invaders and colonizers: Good for thee but not for me, in other words.) There is no gender or religion allowed in the "NEW" and improved Globalist world. Not for the masses anyway.

  • Constantly drive the racial division between the black and white citizens in America through the reparation's argument.

  • Bankrupt America through massive trillion dollar give aways and gut the energy infrastructure in order to install the "Green New Deal" and remove America from world financial dominance and reserve currency status.

  • Divide America between the "Haves" (the one percent) and the "Have Nots" (The lower socio economic, young, impressionable and politically ignorant in America).

  • Grow government and destroy private business ownership so that most everyone works for or is dependent on the largess of the government culture of dependency.

  • Use the law, justice and court system, Federal, State and Local as a political weapon and force through lawfare your opposition to defend themselves in court in order to instill fear in them and others who dare to oppose the agenda. And do it even if you understand what you are doing will be reversed through appeals.

Everything thing listed above and much more unseen both domestic and international is clearly what todays radical Leftist Democrat party and associates is employing in order to "Fundamentally Transform America". And their goal although you may find it hard to believe is to literally Fundamentally destroy America in order that it be Transformed.

This is no "Conspiracy Theory": "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" : U.N. = GLOBALISTS = DEMOCRAT ( It is a fraud, but it is not a "Conspiracy Theory".

Today's radical Democrat party and their RINO counterparts are actively right in front of your own eyes delivering or attempting to deliver America. And you are, trust me, not going to like it if and when that delivery arrives.

Won't need this technique of marking your private property in the future of you keep supporting and voting for the radical Democrat political party: 1 min.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 9/13/24

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