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Why the systemic incompetence? Because it is not about being competent in the job you were hired to do, it is about furthering the cause and the agenda.

What is the cause and the agenda?

Example: Because California is so prominent in the news today: When you look today at politically empowered people in government like Kamala Harris (D), Gavin Newsome (D) and Karen Bass (D) all from California who all are by the evidence incompetent people, what is it they are really attempting to accomplish?

Today's Democrat party and the true believers within it are committed anti Americans and are attempting to undermine and destroy ANYTHING that has been constructed or formulated by the "Patriarchy". That is their primary mantra, cause and their religion.

What is the Patriarchy? Anything in society, culture, the law and justice system that has been formulated and constructed within the Judeo / Christian / Western "White" European historical model. Everything from the measure and standards of beauty to an Objective standard of law and justice. Everything that you as an American believe is good and rational they desperately want and need to destroy and build anew in their what can only be characterized as being Socialist authoritarian agenda. They are all elite Socialists and would become full blown Communists if you as Americans would allow them to fully express themselves and their what can only be seen as intentionally incompetent and authoritarian do as you are instructed world. They do not need to be competent in anything. As long as they bring about the change and destroy what is.

You can see it all playing out in California today in real-time as a substantial portion of a massive American city burns to the ground leaving tens of thousands homeless and tens of billions in losses because the political powers that be have traded the job that they were hired to do for their political social engineering agenda religion.

The Democrat true believers seek to redefine the standards of beauty and human nature, they trade education for indoctrination, they endeavor to surrender your country's military and security to "others", they seek to encourage a culture of Subjective law and justice and "lawfare" against their political enemies, they promote mass invasion through open borders by illegals, they promote drug use and mentally incompetent people terrorizing the general population in the name of "Equity", they justify direct physical competition between biological men and women, they promote racism, hatred and division. Have I forgotten anything?

Incompetence is the Democrat party member insider's competence! Why do they lie? Because they have to. Remember, truth and morality are not the business any politician or government is in. They are in the power and control business. The perfect venue for social engineering and attempting to redefine human nature.

Karen Bass eulegizes her mentor, who was a Communist: Left out of the 406-word eulogy: Cannon was a top member of the Communist Party USA for decades.
Karen Bass eulegizes her mentor, who was a Communist: Left out of the 406-word eulogy: Cannon was a top member of the Communist Party USA for decades.

Anything rational and common sense and of the "Patriarchy" that embraces actual rational thought and competence the Democrat party true believers vigorously reject and seek the opposite of. Everything and anything not in the interests of America and the Constitution in other words they fully embrace.

Why the systemic incompetence? Because they say so. The politically empowered Democrat party true believer today does not need to be competent in anything other than their political agenda. And that for sure is the road to chaos, insecurity, financial insolvency, surrendering individual freedoms and Lucifers hell.

These three people, Gavin Newsome, Kamala Harris and Karen Bass were on the fast track to the Democrat controlled White House. "Were" being the operative word in the last sentence. And that will NEVER happen for any of them. Why? Because they have been revealed for exactly what they are Incompetent political posers and facades.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 1/15/25

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