10/7/24: "State Farm is removing electric vehicle charging stations from its parking decks at Corporate and Corporate South headquarters in Bloomington, and at its hubs throughout the nation."
In the real world not the political world of forced agendas, that is where the rubber meets the road. When insurance companies themselves ban the use of EV charging in their own property what exactly does that say about the subject?
M GUY AUSTRAILIA: https://youtu.be/6cGyvVxFDas?si=2y_UxBMEocngvGc8 5min.
And to be clear, I am not anti EV auto's, not at all. I interview every EV auto owner I come in contact with and the majority of them are very happy with them as a rule. Some not so much. If you want to buy and drive an EV auto, then have at it and do and buy what you please.
Every new technology has its positive and negative aspects. And when some of those negative aspects begin to become so apparent to the high IQ nerds and number Philes that calculate risk within major insurance companies, that will have to be paid attention to. No matter what an authoritarian government insists upon.
Stay tuned on this issue.
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 10/24/24