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Updated: Aug 27, 2024


A friend came by today and shared an infuriating anti Trump email they received from someone they know and thought I might construct a response for them. I tried to keep it simple and not too combative.

The email started: "The only person that is an embarrassment to this country is Trump!". "Period, done over with.".

If having a politician not be an embarrassment is a criterion for being elected to the presidency then just about no human being would ever be elected to the office. Trump? What about "Border Czar", Kamala Harris? And possible / probable CCP groomed asset / Stolen Valor, Tim Walz? How about Joe Biden, "The Big Guy" and his international family and friends' "business" associates?

I should begin a betting pool on how many in the Biden clan / syndicate will be getting a pardon from President Joe Biden. Possibly including himself (?), before he leaves office? Hunter Biden is a 100 percent lock on probably 5 or more pardons IMO. Or is it a blanket pardon? Embarrassment? Really!?

And it went on to laud NYS attorney general, Laticia James and how she "Got Trump" and was held up as an American hero. It went on to their compassion for the illegal immigrants, Obama and all the rest. And of course, ABORTION!

They just irrationally personally hate one man, TRUMP. And are willing to abandon their country to the control of real "woke" radical Leftists and "progressive" Socialists. All because they personally have a hatred for one man. Amazing!

The email response begins:

"Leticia James (D), a politician, who also holds the office of the Attorney General of New York State, the highest level of law and justice in the state campaigned on "Getting Trump". And she did. Disgraceful.

In order for an Attorney general to do their job properly they must be Objective and non-biased, nonpartisan in the application of the law and who and what they choose to prosecute. American Constitutional law is based in the Objective application of the law. And when you have the Subjective application of the law, like in this instance with Trump, for political purposes then that is Soviet style "Law and justice". That means that anyone in government that had an agenda against you, or your family could also prosecute you or them based in their Subjective opinion and not in duly passed Objective law. Americans are equal before the law. Even Trump.

Do you see and understand the difference? Do you understand what the Constitution structures? The Constitution establishes the Rights people have and the things that government must never do to violate the Rights of the people of America. Even Trump. Even if you or Leticia James or anyone else do not personally like him.

Trump was prosecuted in a way and for alleged offences that no one in history has been prosecuted for in NYS for political purposes. Prosecuted because he, one man, represents the greatest threat to the Democrat party and their strategy to retain political power in perpetuity. Partisan political warfare in other words. Plain and simple. 

The governor of New York State (D) actually changed the NYS law specifically in order that Trump could be prosecuted for an alleged assault that the accuser had no evidence for. Would you like the governor to change the law in order to prosecute you or your friends? Your mother or your father?

Trump did not change the laws regarding abortion. The Supreme Court just reverted the issue back to the sovereign states where it properly belongs in order that their state legislators could individually pass the laws in each state that would regulate the issue. A woman still has access to the procedure if they so choose. Trump himself believes that a woman has the Right to the procedure, within reasonable parameters. Just like you believe. 

The illegal immigrants that have been invited personally by President Biden himself when he stated during his debate with Trump told them all "Surge the border!". He said it, no one else. The masses of illegals are a strategic move by the Democrats to flood the country with numbers in order to through those numbers dominate in all future elections in America "Transform America". In fact, it is in actuality political treason in pursuit of political domination. That is why the Democrats have purposefully opened the border. Plain and simple and not by mistake.

I will not even go into the perversions and "Fundamental Transformation of America" agenda of Barak Hussein Obama which is what much of the justification for the corruption and abuse of power you see in the government and the media is based on. Stone cold philosophical Marxist. Smooth as silk Marxist who now has a real estate portfolio of $33 million dollars and four mansions. Not to mention the private jets, yachts and all the rest. He is a funny elite Socialist.

So, in your personal Subjective hatred of one man, and I understand it, Trump can be annoying and a bloviator. But you cannot deny that he is a successful bloviator, an American bloviator. And that is what America needs. Are you really that anxious to sell your country out and deliver it to the radical "progressive" Democrats who are Socialist and clearly interested in the Subjective, in THEIR application of the law? Really? I do not think so.

There are three choices to be made in November:

1. You vote to surrender America to the exclusive control of real radical Socialists (D) and seed that power to an individual who is not qualified to run a donut shop.

2. You vote to reconnect with the intent of the Constitution and the application of Objective law and justice and the interests of America and Americans and everything that your good life rests upon.


3. You stay home.

Only two of those choices are rational and viable IMO. Choose wisely."

Kamala? Donuts? I love donuts!

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 8/27/24

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