As the 2024 presidential election approaches its finish what do we have before us? The dominant issue for the Democrats? Abortion and the ladies of America and their right to receive an abortion. Like Bill Clinton said: "Abortion should available, safe and rare". But he is an old-fashioned guy.
"Since the end of Roe v. Wade in 2022, the number of women receiving abortions has increased steadily and consistently in nearly every state that has banned it, according to a new comprehensive analysis released Tuesday." Which as we can plainly see by the numbers is a non-issue issue.
And what do we see as being the real actual issues that actual Americans should be focusing on, but some are not? The organized invasion by the third world into America in order primarily and ultimately to displace the white population and its alleged dominance at the polls. The invasion arranged by the Democrat party, the Catholic Church (yes, the Catholic Church), the U.N., the WEF, and every other overly Liberal and Leftist enemy of America and its dominance in most all things, especially its Constitution. They all seek Americas destruction so they can reform America into a more compliant and Socialist animal run under their authoritarian laws and rule. Is that what you support?
If you were confused before then consider yourself reinstructed and on a path to understanding what the government in the form of this radical Democrat administration propaganda and the media as they attempt to force their anti-American agenda upon you and all others with a hollow vessel of a presidential candidate front person. You have been misled, psychologically manipulated and are being used by both. Political warfare, which is what we are engaged, seeks absolute power and control over what you see, say, hear and can do. WEF: "In the future you will own nothing, and you will be happy".
And THAT is the actual functional definition of FASCISM if you do not know. When government and private industry work together and the government and its political agenda of control being dominant that is FASCISM. And it is not exclusive to the Right or the Left.
Below is the real-world evidence that can be plainly seen. This is what you are saying you want more of if you support the Democrat agenda.
"A small Ohio town is the latest victim of the Biden-Harris administration’s open border policy after 3,000 migrants from the West African nation of Mauritania moved in in the past year — lured by Tik Tokkers who are posting instruction videos with maps of the Cincinnati suburb.
The influx has nearly doubled Lockland’s population of 3,500 in a matter of months, local officials say."
If you in your ignorance are unable to see the bigger picture and past the propaganda and manipulations then you are in fact your own enemy, you are an enemy of your own country and its fundamental structure.
And America is all about immigration, legal and vetted immigration. Immigration however has been turned into a political tool and weapon of political warfare by the now radical Left in the form of the Democrat party. So, all of you ladies in America, both young and old, black, white and brown you must not allow yourself to be deceived because your life and your safety is actually what is at stake. In chaos and confusion civilization is no more.
While you as Americans are having your "birth termination" those who are invading your country incentivized and paid for with your own tax dollars are getting pregnant and creating anchor babies. And that is one more issue that must be dealt with in a more rational manner.
More than 13,000 immigrants convicted of homicide are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says (
I do not blame any immigrant illegal or otherwise that seeks to come to America, not for one second. But we cannot as Americans allow our immigration system to be used as a political weapon of absolute dominance and control by one what now is a radical Leftist political party that seeks to (Barak Hussein Obama) "Fundamentally Transform America" to their agenda. And that is exactly what is ongoing.
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 10/25/24
