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I came across this man, Glen Kirshner, former I believe Federal prosecutor (a lawyer) who spins and promotes his political perspective on YOUTUBE. Fair enough. And guess what the main cause and focus is on his channel? You guessed it, his rabid partisan obsession is of course D.J. Trump the politically criminalized former president and potential future president. The prime example of the two justice systems.

Glenn Kirschner on Trump disrespect at Arlington national Cemetary:

(No disrespect at Arlington, the families of the soldiers who were unnecessarily killed under the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris invited former president Trump to their ceremony. Just like many other politicians have done on both sides of the political divide.)

Are there two different sets of laws and kinds of prosecutions depending on your political association and threat to the opposition? Yes, yes there are.

Spokesman for Manhattan US Attorney’s office says he regrets comments criticizing Trump hush money case | CNN Politics "A spokesman for the Manhattan US Attorney’s office apologized following the release of a secretly recorded video that captured him slamming Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s hush money case against Donald Trump as “nonsense” and a “perversion of justice.”"

Mr. Kirschner opens all of his video comments with: "Hello friends". Which to me smacks of lulling those who if you read the comments appear to be mind numbed sycophants listening and watching themselves into a mental stupor getting ready for today's propaganda. He provides for his audience what they want to hear, zero Objectivity. And he does not allow Objective civilized criticism in his YOUTUBE comments, they are removed. You are only allowed to agree with him.

He also has an associated merchandise shop connected to his YOUTUBE channel, and his main message printed on that merchandise? "JUSTICE IS A FULL CONTACT SPORT". You can view and buy his merchandise here if you are a fellow stupefied traveler: CoffeeTea Mug | glennkirschner

This message "JUSTICE IS A FULL CONTACT SPORT" in my opinion is fundamentally false and incorrect. And it is IMO designed to mislead those who follow him. Justice is not a sport! Justice as it relates to law and justice as structured by the American Constitution is about a theory of guaranteed equality and fairness before the law for the individual, the citizen. Justice in the face of the awesome absolute power of the government and its ability to deny citizens of their Rights to justice and fairness. Due process in other words. This is fundamental to America!

Justice: Def: "Just behavior or treatment. "A concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people". "The administration of the law or authority in maintaining this.

Fairness: Def: "Impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination".

Due process: "A course of formal proceedings (such as legal proceedings) carried out regularly and in accordance with established rules and principles".

Sport: "An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment."

Politics: "The art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government".

Our American system of law and justice is by nature structured in an adversarial manner and that structure pits lawyers and arguments against each other. One side prosecutes and the other side defends. With an in theory impartial Objective judge involved that interprets the duly passed related law in the interests of ensuring the individual fairness due process and justice. The "Competition" between the two sides is the only parallel or analogy to sports that one could make.

And after the competition is done, the "sport" between the two sides, is the goal just winning? Maybe for the lawyers it is, that is how they keep score. And that appears to be Mr. Kirshner's sole myopic perspective that he is unable to Objectively break with.

Isn't the overarching actual higher goal of justice in a court of law ensuring that an individual will receive equality and due process related to their Rights in law as designed and structured by the Constitution?

Obviously, the answer is that the individual receives equality, due process, fairness and Objective justice and protecting their Rights is the goal.

So, is justice a sport? Absolutely NOT!

You could more accurately say that politics is a sport, a blood sport. And there is where Mr. Kirschner conflates the one with the other and misleads.

Understand politics, the real blood sport: CORE SIGMA3iOC

From the Magna Carta (1215) precursor to the American Constitution (1776): "No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.

(disseised: Dispossess (someone) of land or property)

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 9/6/24

"Justice is a full contact sport"? Really? No, no, no: POLITICS is a full contact sport. Again, you are conflating the two Glenn. They are two very different things. There is equality before the law as guaranteed by the Constitution for the individual. Politics is the warfare that occurs to control government and power.

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