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Number 1: The Cookie poll.

The cookie poll in the presidential election cycle is an interesting cultural barometer regarding who in the public's eyes are favored to win the presidential election. That being said it has been my growing observation and realization that it is not really the public that says who is going to be the president of the United States.

We have many levels and layers of rules and laws that have been installed by government and politically empowered politicians between the public and honest election results in America. Once you are in the most exclusive, most powerful and consequential private club on planet earth, you want to ensure remain there.

From the recently embraced mail in voting, the without question most pervertible and corruptible method of voting ever invented. From: not requiring photo I.D., to not requiring establishing your citizenship and legal status and only requiring your address, to in some local elections ranked choice voting, to digital and not paper analogue hand count voting, to digital tabulation, there is a long and growing list of modes to cheat in American elections.

The politically empowered powers that be in government office, within the three letter agencies and within Globalist international corporate America: DO NOT WANT THE AMERICAN VOTING PUBLIC INSERTING THEMSELVES IN "THEIR" BUSINESS AND PLANS!

And then we have number 2: "Trump is a fascist Hitlerian dictator and will not leave office."

I have heard this really childish argument from many people who as far as I can determine must exclusively listen to the now radical Left supporting MSN talking heads on: Morning Joe, The View and Rachel Maddow. And when they repeat this impossible to accomplish political maneuver, refusing to leave the presidency, based in what the Constitution allows and does not allow. I point out: D.J. Trump is a FORMER president. Why is he still not president based on what you propose is reality?

Trump has clearly stated: "I will not run again in 2028". And now, my naive and childish fellow Americans can now argue: SEE! He is going to become president, and he will not run again because he will never leave the office!

Stop being a tool of the radical MSM Left and of everything that is wrong with and threatens America and its Constitution.

Settled, Trump will very possibly be president for the coming four years and then he will retire. That is reality. And that being said, during a next Trump administration IMO it may be required to employ some degree of martial law in some places in the country. Why? Because of the lawlessness that the Democrat party has so generously and strategically installed in America in their efforts to eviscerate the country and the Constitution in order that THEY in fact would be ensured to be in political power and control in perpetuity.

Why do you think the Democrat party leadership has flooded America with millions of illegals? Can you figure that one out? Explain it to me. other than they intend them to become their new voting base.

These are the interests in the world that seek to dial down and replace America as a dominant force on planet earth: (Keeping in mind the Democrat party that you used identify with was effectively killed and transformed on January 20th, 2009. Figure it out):

Everyone who supports the now radical, authoritarian Democrat party and their agenda: Corporate and CCP owned RINO's, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, George Soros and the many NGO's and Foundations that he funds, The CCP Chinese, the Russians, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, the European Union, Karl Marx, Chairman Mao, Hitler, Mussolini and every international now Global / Globalist un and anti-American corporate entity.

All of these which are the most powerful political forces on the planet are focused on attempting to prevent just one man, one nonpolitical, non politician politician from once again attaining the office of president of the United States.

Now you think about that and ask yourself why is it that the status quo fears that one man at the level that they fear him?

It is all about exclusive power and control, without any interference from the annoying Constitution and the American public and their silly votes in having the final say as to who and what runs THEIR country and where it is going to be going!

American political class of 2024, have you learned anything?

Just in: The I.R.S. union has endorsed Kamala Harris. The police unions have endorsed D.J. Trump. Think about that.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 9/24/24

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