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I read two stories today that clearly illustrate to me where the once Liberal and now radical, woke, progressive agenda formulated and championed by and rammed through our American political, education and cultural systems by the Democrat (and RINO) party has landed us.

The first story comes from California where the governor of the state who is fully in compliance with the progressive agenda has delivered his entire state which is the model for the entire country. Our country is infected with this contagion. The model is fully authoritarian and constantly is testing the outer limits of our founding documents which they as a political party absolutely reject. They have learned to use the Constitution against itself. And that kind of attack in politics is really what it anticipates to some degree and is designed to counter act and counterbalance. Political war is war all the same, and as we can all see, there are no rules in warfare.

And the second story comes from an advice column that in my opinion is a reflection of the irrational and destructive no limits no lines drawn insanity that the radical Left has been able to craft in law and within the desperate need for leadership in the softened compliant minds of the public. This is what they propose for the rest of the country should they continue to prevail in local, state and national elections. A system in which they have very intentionally weakened in a broad spectrum of ways. From mail in voting, to ranked choice voting, to no I. D's. / no picture I.D., to no verifying citizenship, to drop boxes, to ballot harvesting etc. All specifically designed to weaken our American election system with only one goal in mind, Democrat party candidate success. If a Democrat candidate and particularly the party machine were to be honest with the American public and what they truly intended for the country and the world the public would insist that they be arrested and tried for treason!

Feel free to send me your opinions on these two particular stories in the news today, I'm interested in whether you agree with me or not. A simple NO, or NO THANK YOU would suffice in both instances. Many people both too young to know better and those older and self-confused desperately need the word NO introduced into their lives. Especially in this current American political reality haze that is being used as a psychological and propaganda manipulation by people who are expert at.

And that one little, tiny little word I have found to be the most effective word in life. Know when to use it and mean it and simplify your life and prosper. People without structure desperately need the leadership that someone who knowns when to say NO can provide.

America must clearly say NO.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 9/18/24

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Sep 19, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Newsome is just a typical Democrat. But does anyone else wonder how we got to a place where these bureaucrats--both elected and non-elected--have powers that George III would envy? When the heck did we become ruled by executive fiat?

As for the kid who wants to feel pretty at his Aunt's wedding, someone should let him know that the day is not about him (shock!). If he wants to have a coming-out party, his doting Mama should arrange one, And she should be ashamed even mentioning this to her sister--it explains a lot about her son.


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