The Democrat party, not the American people who identify as Democrats, committed treason over the last 4 years. And that fact is plain to me. The Democrat party after being taken over by the more radical elements of the very most Leftist elite among them have committed treason. And I would have to include in that class of Americans the RINO's who refused to stand firmly against them, they too have committed a form of treason. In my opinion anyway.
And exactly why did the Democrat party do and allow such a thing? They did it in the pursuit of absolute political power and control in the furtherance of the "Destruction of the Patriarchy". The "Patriarchy" and of course the thing that is the founding concept that structures the very country that allows them to think and act in such radical ways, and that is the Constitution.
How do we know that as a fact? On day one the president of the United States opened the borders of your country and incentivized and invited in without any vetting all and every desperate immigrant from 150 countries. Invited into your country and offered them all a good helping of your tax money in order to support them in their transition. Transition into what? Into Democrat voters illegally now and legal in the future.
The now radical Democrat party operatives within the many local, state and the Federal government readied America for this invasion by standing down all of the rational and reasonable laws that would impede the mass invasion. You see it still: "Sanctuary city" status, $900.00 "free" shoplifting, a turnstile law and justice system where not even violent repeat offenders are held and are allowed to continue to live out their violent intents on you and yours. They had to do it. Rape and murder committed by illegals with known multiple active criminal charges against them. Rapes and murders that would never have happened if your government did not turn into a treasonous operation in pursuit of their own exclusive political power and control. It does not get more cynical and desperate than that.
And those who actively and willingly committed this treason must be dealt with in the proper legal manner. The Political Realm can only protect your political actions to a point. And after you have consciously gone over that point political action becomes treason. There is a fine but reasonable line and many of the more radical true believer Democrat political party operatives have gone well over it.
Remember at the highest levels of all politics on both sides of the aisle and political strategy there is no morality there is only the end result where the means are just details. And the desired end result is always political power and control. And in that space, there is no morality there is only the strategy that is executed that provides you the goal.
And the only thing that attempts to keep things in balance and protects the people's Rights and freedoms is the Constitution by design. And the Constitution no matter what they say is the one thing that the radicals in America want and need to essentially make symbolic only and subservient to their Subjective and self-serving radical authoritarian agenda. See: Canada.
Example: What do we see going in the Communist country to our North, Canada in the name of "Equity" and "fairness"? The absolute control over words and definitions by law. The end of free speech and the ability to choose when, where and how you must live, think, speak and act. By the theory that they exist under they must become authoritarian in order to make you live right. This is exactly what the radical Democrat party machine intended for America.
That is one example of the perversion and attempted gutting of the Constitution intended for America and Kamala Harris was to be the coup de gras that would deliver it. The radical Democrat party machine does not need anyone competent driving the bus, they just need someone who can wear a bus drivers' uniform. The radical Democrat bus is driven remotely by the master manipulators and collective social planners that intend the required chaos and destruction necessary in order to "Destroy the Patriarchy" (The Constitution). And rebuild it in the "proper" authoritarian manner that such things need to be structured and operate in. All the radical Democrat party operatives that highjacked the Democrat party and the everyday Americans need is a symbolic persona, a Potemkin candidate I.E. Kamala Harris.
Mega Democrat party doner, John Morgan, he saw the writing on the wall and ceased funding what he saw as being a very bad choice: Kamala Harris. And it is the radical authoritarians in the Democrat party that insisted upon her only because of her gender, her skin color, her alleged race and her absolute and complete belief in their methods and goals. SYMBOLISM! Just like Canada.
Chris Cuomo / John Morgan interview: 8min.
The "Democrat Socialists" (Read: Socialists), the "Woke", the so called "progressives", the authoritarians, the radicals among them have destroyed and gutted the Democrat party in America. And what comes next will determine whether they will ever see political power again any time soon.
This is our system, this is our process.
America needs two opposing political warfare parties that embrace the concepts structured by the Constitution and who live in an uncomfortable peace and acceptance with it and its governmental constraints. The honest struggle between the two political parties under the watchful and judgmental eyes of the American citizens is what keeps America healthy, strong and free. The radicals in both political parties today who reject those fundamentals seek to destroy what stands in the way of their absolute political power and control. They are radicals, they are Democrats, they are RINO's, they are Marxists, they are Globalists, they seek a One World like authoritarian planet wide U.N. like form of governance and control.
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 12/1/24