The D.J. Trump presidency is the exact proportional response, and then some, to the extremism and the radical anti-American policies that the Democrat party machine have been attempting to force down the throats of the American people since about 2009.
The Democrat party beginning with the presidency of Barak Hussein Obama became soooo emboldened and soooo overconfident in their "Destroy the Patriarchy" by any means necessary radical push to redefine America and what it is and is not about that they forgot they were Americans.
And when over several years it becomes soooo evident to the general public that you as a political party has gone so radical as to seek the fundamental destruction of the country and the unique Objective concepts that structure it. It becomes necessary for the mass of the American people witness to this what can only be seen as political treason to be redirected and slapped down. And that is exactly what we have seen with the reelection of D.J. Trump as president.
The Democrats political treason has brought on their own destruction. The harder you push the greater the counterbalance, it is inversely proportional. And given those facts the Democrat party will not in my opinion see any substantial participation in the governance of the country for at least 20 years.
The ONLY way they can short circuit this IMO written in stone reality is if they as a party were to make a Mia culpa and confess to all of their transgressions and perversions in the pursuit of their anti-American agenda which was in search of a manner in which to deliver America and its sovereignty to a Globalist controlled agenda and model. And they reject them. A model where America was but another country run by what could only become an authoritarian rule by elites Socialist ultimately Communist do as you are told reality. And I do not see that happening.
So why Trump? Ask the Democrat party machine leaders who delivered over time Trump initially to the presidency through their perverted politics. And the people again delivered him to the presidency in an even stronger more desperate need to slap down and take the precious political power and control away from the Democrat party and their radical anti-American agenda.
Thank you, Democrat party machine. You have demonstrated exactly what the Constitution was designed to provide the citizens of America, some great measure of truth regarding the administration and direction that their country is going.
The Constitution over time forces all those in politics to reveal themselves and their agendas to the people.
Remember: All aspirational and politically empowered politicians and governments are not in the morality and truth business. They are in the power and control business. And the rule concerning power and control is that it will be abused.
So, if and when this new more common sense and sane Republican government goes too far like we have all witnessed the former Democrat government then the people will reinstruct them in the same manner as they have reinstructed the Democrats. With extreme prejudice and REJECTION!
But that in my estimation given the lengths and the depths of treachery and treason that the Democrat political party machine have gone to that will not be happening for some time. They have brought this upon themselves.
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 1/22/25
