"But 61 courts have rejected any accusations of voter fraud!"
That IMO will soon be changing.
Many of you are probably not aware of this particular case involving Democrats in Michigan that went down just before the 2020 presidential election:
From: WolvesAndFinance: https://youtu.be/m-JZsPer9Vc 11:32 This is a worthwhile listen, he does all the work for you.
"On October 8, 2020 a person dropped off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications in Muskegon, Michigan. City Clerk Ann Meisch obviously noticed."
Per a review of the voter applications, it was uncovered that:
numerous forms appeared to have been completed by the same writer
addresses on multiple forms were invalid or non-existent
phone numbers were erroneous
signatures didn’t match
This very damaging actual evidence that apparently was purposefully sat on and ignored by the FBI in order to facilitate the Democrat party win in the 2020 presidential election I am pretty certain is not an anomaly. I am confident this happened all over the country.
Remember this truck driver? Nothing to see here: Some 280,000 ballots in transit from NY to Pennsylvania ‘disappeared’: Amistad Project – World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geopolitics, Northeast Asia, China, Geostrategy-Direct, International Security, Corporate Watch, Media Watch
This is the kind of evidence that will in court (if it gets that far) because of these indictments concerning the election and the alleged fraud will be the flipside of the several targeted attacks on the leading Republican presidential candidate.
Political warfare is warfare just the same and in the real world there are no rules.
By any means necessary means by any means necessary. 81 million votes? Sure, sure, 81 million votes. Most votes in history, sure.
It's coming. The only question remains is, is it too late? Have they, the Democrat party machine and those who continue to vote in support of this radical agenda done sooo much damage to the country, our military, our economy, our immigration system through organized invasion, our justice system that it is too late? Stand by.
America as founded is without doubt in my opinion under attack from within and that attacker takes the form of the Democrat party machine and the go along to get along RINO Republicans. I say enough!
What will you do?
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 8/20/23
Fascinating Youtube presentation. Those of us who have been paying attention since November 2020 know pretty much all of this, but it's always good to have someone like Zach lay it all out concisely. I can only hope that enough people hear the quacking before it's too late.
Absolutely unbelievable the level of corruption and cover-up. Totally disgusting!