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Now, if you have read most anything that I have written over the last........8 years?

You understand that I see the Democrat party's administration of our government and their stated agenda is anti and un-American. They are as a political party radical, socialist authoritarian, Leftist and they collectively seek the fundamental destruction of our founding concepts that have delivered America and keep America the true leader and guiding light of the world and the planet. Warts, corruptions and perversions included.

And now we are about to go through our American presidential election cycle and the clear trend that I see is that one candidate is far superior in all aspects to the other and if the purposefully installed modes of cheating in our election and counting of the ballots system is able to somehow be mitigated the result will be the modern day re-founding of our country and those very powerful fundamental concepts.

Any other result is not acceptable based on the facts and the revealed policies and their effects. Clear as a bell.

And here I provide you with some cutting and entertaining observations by the presumed by me winner of the coming contest: Donald Trump roasts crowd at NYC's Al Smith charity dinner, rips Kamala Harris for skipping ( Classic!

*“I guess you should have told her (Kamala) the funds were going to bail out the looters and rioters in Minneapolis and she would have been here guaranteed,”

*“There’s a group called White Dudes for Harris, but I’m not worried about them. Their wives and their wives’ lovers are voting for me,”

*“But look on the bright side, Chuck, considering how woke your party has become, if Kamala loses, you still have a chance to become the first woman president.”

Either way, someone is going to need their blankey!

I will leave it there for now as we wait for the results.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 10/18/25

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