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Kamala Harris (Democrat) positions and policies in her own words all in 50 seconds:

No need to comment much, is what it is. Totally unqualified and as Leftist and radical by her own words and deeds as they come. Kamala Harris and the Democrat party are where she / they are today because of two things:

1. The Leftist media and the Democrats have successfully objectified D.J. Trump to the point where he is a literal monster to some. And Trump gives them a lot of material to work with :) He has become their ultimate ominous icon justifying the destruction of white America.

2. Due to the Democrat party's full embrace of the radical U.N. / WEF / DEI / Politically Correct agenda to "Destroy the Patriarchy", "We won't go back", "white male domination must die" and the direct promotion of a racism agenda they have become stuck with the weakest presidential candidate possible in Kamala Harris. I know it, you know it and everyone else knows it. She as an individual has no business whatsoever being where she finds herself. But there she is all the same. That is Potemkin village / facade Democrat politics.

The Democrat party and the Leftist media are executing what can be considered a proof-of-concept business model in politics where they with the help of many three-letter self-concerned agencies within government bureaucracy assign the presidency (See: 2020 presidential race). And that may have been so to some degree for all of history, but today due to high technology is at a whole nother level of manipulation. That is how weak a candidate that Kamala Harris is, but they are going to make her president, if they can. And to add insult to injury and to further prove their proof of concept they have chosen for her running mate someone who is far more fraudulent and radical a Leftist than she is! Tim Walz! Now THAT is a Socialist and aspiring Communist!


And so, if you choose to support this person, this ticket, and this political party for the PRESIDENT of the United States of America with your vote then you will be the same. You are them; you will be complicit. It is up to you like never before. But you must see through the fog of psychological manipulation. Remembering that the Democrat party has with malicious intent tampered with the reliability of our election system.

Example: D.J. Trump is that badassed arrogant cowboy surgeon who some cannot personally stand with one diploma on the wall and many letters of accomplishment, congratulations and appreciation. And he has the 95 percent success rate and specialization that you desperately need to operate on you to save your life. We have spoken about this analogy before.

And Kamala Harris has two dozen gilded diplomas on her wall with the fancy office who looks good on paper but her success rate concerning the highly specialized operation you need to save your life is ZERO. Which doctor do you wish to employ? (You know exactly who I am talking to.)

This is the Democrat party strategy and their agenda: "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" : U.N. = GLOBALISTS = DEMOCRAT (

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 8/31/24

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