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I talk about, drone on about politics as being a form of warfare. And it is exactly that, Political Warfare. Just like diplomacy is an extension of politics and another form of warfare. One is hot and bloody and the other is about testing your opponent's strengths and weaknesses to see if it is worth going from negotiations and keeping the status quo, to hot and bloody. In the end it is all always, always about the fight for control of political power and never about morality. There is no morality in politics.

And in the ongoing diametrically opposed political drama that really began in earnest in 2015 with the surprising win by D.J. Trump who unexpectedly beat Hillary Clinton (Ma Barker, everything leads to Ma Barker) for the presidency of the United States of America. And after that political upheaval and earth-shattering win by a non-politician politician we saw the unabashed unapologetic rise of in-your-face lawfare on the part of the now vindictive Democrat party.

Trump the political upstart must be diminished, shamed, impeached, arrested, if possible, his Rights step on, prosecuted and imprisoned for his offences to the status quo political model that is clearly delivering America to a place that the Constitution never intended, but certainly anticipated. Trump must be made politically radioactive, a political nonentity and must never again be allowed to rise to where he does not belong and lead the country. And in the now many unjust lawfare prosecutions and specially adjusted and interpreted laws in order to attack their main opponent, D.J. Trump we in the general public, we in the Pedestrian Realm can plainly see what must be seen.

Partisan political mission creep I.E. LAWFARE. Listen to the commonsense questioning coming from these NYS apelet court judges. Both The NYS attorney general and the NYC prosecutor have twisted themselves into legal pretzels in order to politically accomplish what their political party needs accomplished. They are just good political soldiers doing what must be done.

Politically empowered by the people political party soldiers and devotees of one political party have chosen to abuse their political power and have twisted and perverted the law for their own Subjective political purposes. And they are using it in order to accomplish what their political party desperately needs, the elimination of D.J. Trump from their world of exclusive political power. One man poses the greatest threat to their political power and agenda.

The Constitution allows for such conditions to exist and gives the people in the Pedestrian and Political Realms all the rope they need to hang themselves. And hang themselves many of them choose to do, they use every inch of that rope and then some. See: Joe and Hunter Biden.

In the long term the apelet court of New York State appears to be in agreement with myself and the many others who from the start of this extreme political warfare being fought for absolute political power and control of the country understood.

The process in politics is the punishment in politics and only the most determined, clear thinking, visionary and hardened among us can succeed at the highest level. That is where essential, existential political warfare is fought and won. True American leadership is not about place holding and being a hollow facade for a political party machine.

You will only find political treason in such desperate places.

Are you paying attention yet America?  JGL 10/1/24

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