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What is normal?

Normal: Def: "Conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern: characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine. Generally free from physical or mental impairment or dysfunction: exhibiting or marked by healthy or sound functioning."

What is normal for me may not exactly be what is normal for you, and that is fine. Express yourself and live your life the way that you choose. Just be reasonable about it. There are reasonable lines to be drawn both in life, government and in business.

The other day a friend showed me their new tattoo, very nice I said.

"But where is the line I asked generally?". The reply was "Oh, you can't tell anyone when to stop tattooing".

And that was not my point. I continued, "I saw a guy that had his eyeballs tattooed black! And now he has regret about having that done (DUH). "I think that may be a bit over the line". It was short conversation. I have nothing against tattoos per se, but when you are having your eyeballs tattooed or having a big swastika engravened on your forehead, I think that you may have made choices that are based more on childish ideological fantasies rather than significant life affirming symbolism. Not a positive long-term life plan look. In my opinion.

But tattoos are not specifically what todays SIGMA3iOC is about. This is about today's cultural and political choices made driven by social media or the influence of "Others". Tattoos included. And the growing sense that everyone's opinion and slightest desire and demand, big or small, must be adhered to or met by others.

And this story below illustrates my point today about choices people make and how an influencer may be making unreasonable assertions and assumptions related to business and who must be required to fulfill her desires and needs.

She is an attractive IMO, larger lady who is having trouble finding a bra that fits her needs.

"Samyra Miller, from New Orleans, is known for bringing light to the issues that those of a fuller shape face and boasts more than 400,000 followers on her Instagram page."

She states: "Given all of the goals that they outlined (Lululemon), I should definitely be able to find my size now, right?"

Keeping in mind that a social media influencer must have something, some cause /content to supply to their audience. So, we have an attractive larger lady who is not exactly in the numerical juicy middle, an outlier, of the sizes of people who are customers of Lululemon that actually pay the bills. And this is a typical scenario today. Someone who is a statistical outlier as far as business is concerned is in a position and under pressure to create content has found her cause.

'I was looking for a new bra for Pilates. I really like this purple [one]. I thought your bras went up to like a 20, do they all go to a 14?'. The worker then said: 'They do. We're very limited on spaces so most of them are on our website".

She could in reality simply order the item she is interested in on their website and could probably have it the next day. But no, there is no drama, no content there.

Is this in fact an opportunity for the influencer herself or someone else to take the brilliance of identifying this market inequity and turning it into a business opportunity? Defy the market and counter intuitively establish a business that emphasizes the bigger ladies' sizes and ignore the real-world customer numbers where business actually pays the bills? Unlikely.

And now we get down to the real business of today's writing. These two examples are analogous to choices and the politics being forced onto and into the greater public's zeitgeist through government agenda and media in pursuit of radical politics. Political agendas where outlier minimal numbers of immature ideological Leftist activists seek to destroy the greater "Juicy" mass middle in pursuit of a new "Normal".

What is normal? Do you as an individual under law still have a choice about what you personally are able to define for yourself and your family as being normal and good? The outlier radicals within the masses are telling you what you will think, say and do. They seek authoritarian rule over you and your self-determined self-interests.

This is why they have determined that the white male "Patriarchy" must be destroyed. And replaced with...................? Their Subjective do as you are told authoritarian rule, which is just another patriarchy as defined by them. Everything that is un and anti-American in other words.

Watch just 1 minute of this video, it is a mut see: This is in part what those radicals in the Political Realm propose as being the "New Normal":

Believe and be what you choose, just be reasonable about it.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 8/20/24

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