What the Trump assassination attempt looks like, so far that is. Stand by for any developing relevant information.
Someone commented: "This whole shooting situation is starting to look like a huge bit of laziness on everyone’s part.".
Referring to the Secret Service and their pathetic failure in securing the Trump rally that very nearly cost the former president his life. Someone MUST be fired!
I commented: "I tend to agree with this opinion about the Trump shooting. Sloppy, lazy, Oh, nothing is going to happen attitude. For now, anyway.
I just do not like the fact that the Secret Service snippers had taken pictures of this zealot / mental patient, and no one rounded him up. I do not like that at all."
He commented further: "First off the SS should have stood at the podium and identified possible sniper positions. Every military sniper does this subconsciously when they pick their hide."
Another observation I agreed with, and that leads me to a funny related story.
Several years ago, I had a customer that over time I came to understand was a trained military "Operator" / security man / hired expert for "special" situations. He was a big boy, 6' 3"+, 250+ lbs. or so, 35 to 40 years old. And he was very much a blank read, always appeared wound up and all business for the most part. Seemed to be always looking around assessing his environment.
Other than those observations by me he was a very nice guy, no muss no fuss. Came in, got what he wanted, a little chit chat, paid for it, and he went on his way. My favorite kind of customer :)
So, I am talking to a friend (who coincidently just happens to be a former D.J Trump bodyguard from a couple of years before) and he was sitting out of the way and as you came in the store you could not see him. So, the "Operator" comes in, assesses his environment and he only sees me.
He makes his initial determination, continues in and then my friend said something. And his reaction when he heard someone else besides me in the store that he did not detect upon his entry was priceless. His neck and back straightened and he swung around with determination, just like he was supposed to.
I suspect that if he had a piece on him, he would have drawn it.
After he left, we both commented on his reaction. My friend is also a former military / police trained security operator. He and I knew exactly what was crashing through his brain, it was written all over his face.
He was a man trained to be ready for anything and was not happy that he failed in the complete assessment of his environment. It happens, human failure happens.
I suspect the Secret Service Trump rally failure was similar. At this moment in time anyway, and there is no excuse for it.
Good enough, is not good enough!
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 7/22/24