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This is a fraud; this is an American political embarrassment.

The Democrat party has created this mess in their leadership for themselves. Through their desperate need to prevail solely based on promoting racism, division, fear, reparations, the skin color or sexual orientation of everyone that they seek to empower in order to reorder society IS A FRAUD! Unqualified in every way shape and form.

You know it, I know it, and everyone witness to the Democrats cynical political operation on planet earth knows it. And it is scaring the crap out of everyone. Weakness in leadership is a call for disaster, death and war.

True leadership is not something that can be faked, not for long anyway. And this candidate could not fake for 5 minutes.

(Potemkin Village: "Potemkin village, in its original meaning, any of a number of fake villages designed to impress the Russian empress Catherine the Great. The term has also come to be used to describe an elaborate facade designed to hide an undesirable reality.")

And what this in my opinion means is that the Democrats are as dangerous as they have ever been, and they can and will do anything, up to and including you know what. Anything in order to either force this fraud on the country and install her into office in the ballot counting rooms around the country.

Or remove her as she crashes and burns in the polls, which is inevitable. Leading up to the Democrat convention. And then those who truly run the Democrat party machine will choose and install through force their approved candidates. Who will be much of the same, frauds looking to "Destroy the Patriarchy". The Democrat party version of "Democracy".

Kamala Harris is where she is for one reason, and you know what it is. Remember, Kamala was the first person to bail on the primaries because she was revealed to be totally incompetent and had zero support. Straight up called Joe Biden a racist right to his face. And she was exactly correct! Then because of her certain boxes ticked off, she is a woman, and I am fairly certain that she is indeed a woman. And because she is a woman of color, she was made his VP choice. Really no other qualifications for the position IMO.

The Democrats have created this cynical slow- motion political train wreck, and they cannot right off the bat pass over the extremely difficult and uncomfortable to watch and listen to Kamala. The Black American political component of their party will revolt if she was just dismissed and disrespected in that manner. I understand that and the party although desperate, was warned about this potential.

It is either replace her in a short while with "Others" as she crashes and burns? Or the Democrat political calculation has turned into we surrender the presidency and hope to control the Senate and or the Congress? And of course, there will be the multi, multimillion-dollar book deal booby prize reward payoff for those who must in the end go ;)

What is being presented by the Democrats as a candidate for president isn't reality it is a surreality. (Surrealism was a means of reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of experience so completely that the world of dream and fantasy would be joined to the everyday rational world in “an absolute reality, a surreality.”)

The Democrat party and this Biden / Harris administration especially have been all and only about "Destroy the American Patriarchy", symbolism, racism and never ever about substance, actual competence, consequences for incompetence, America and what the Constitution intends.

That is not at all what the Democrat party is about. What are you about? Are you all about supporting Kamala?

This is the end net result of the Biden / Harris / Obama administration efforts, this is what they have accomplished: Over the last year, 943k native-born Americans lost jobs on net, while foreign-born workers picked up almost 1.2 million jobs:

Americans always last for the Democrats. Americans, real Americans are very much pro-immigration. Legal, vetted, rational, beautiful immigration.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 7/22/24

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