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June 1, 2019: Kamala Harris is rushed on the stage by a "man" / protestor during a Socialist love fest appearance: 1:46

And who is it that takes care of business and ejects the protestor from the stage? Kamala? Karine Jean? No, a bunch of dudes have to take care of business. What happened to men and women are equal?

Men and women are not equal. Equal before the law just like all others, but they are not the same and that is self-evident. Just one more fraudulent trope perpetrated by the radical Left.

I very specifically remember this event and I was thinking at the time: This was Kamala Harris's Ronald Reagan "I am paying for this microphone" moment and would have been revealed as a true badass. A rare and valuable missed opportunity.

Ronald Reagan, BADASS, Leader, American: "I am paying for this microphone Mr. Green!": 48 sec.

How would she have established herself as a badass? If she had only planted her palm in the middle of the "mans" chest, bashed him over the head with the microphone that she was in possession of and shoved him off of the stage. And if she got a little roughed up all the better.

Kamala Harris, I remember I thought at the time revealed herself as being a fraud and a scared poser.

I also remember at the time thinking that she missed a golden opportunity in that moment to display a degree of dominance and leadership. But no, she sheepishly shrank and exited the stage and waited for help. This tells me that under stress and high pressure she is not in control and looks to others for solutions and leadership. Not a characteristic that you want in a presidential candidate.

Then last night we see Kamala Harris being interviewed by Oprah and telling the world that she would open fire on anyone who would dare break into her home. Yeah, one more BS fraud trying to create badassed optics where they do not exist.

Putin and President Xi are having a good laugh at America today. How they keep a straight face given the theater ongoing in America I have no idea.

And really, this is what it is all about: "It's a black job": Racist, race baiter and race promoter Michelle Obama tells it like it is: 4 SEC.

In today's world within the Democrat party specifically, and we all witnessed it in the hollow Potemkin village Joe Biden presidency. In America there is a political candidate model where the qualifications, competence and American oriented vision of a person is not what is prime. No, no, no, it is all just about symbolism, a meme and the color of someone's skin. And a vagina helps too.

And THAT is a very dangerous reality we as Americans must see and deal with in a clear and unambiguous manner. It is not the individual and their qualifications that run the executive branch of our government it is the "collective" behind the scenes. Unseen and unknown by the general American public that in actuality run things.

I do not see things in such desperate terms. Give me a qualified man or woman, and I do not care about their skin color, who understands the intent of the Constitution and seeks to defend it and not undermine it and I will politically support them. I would never support a fraud and a poser without any qualifications other than they are good order takers from their superiors and masters behind the scenes.

And those behind the scenes today in this current administration are without doubt in this case radical anti-American Globalist, Leftists delivering America to everything that America was not intended to be. Political treason in other words.

A fraud is a fraud and anyone who supports such an obvious revealed truth will also be a fraud and what I call a two-faced anti / un-American. Ignorance, your fear or your emotion is no place to hide in 2024.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 9/20/24

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