I happened to watch this interview of Michael Shellengerber, on the "Dad Saves America" podcast who is a California resident, a former self-professed radical Leftist and now an actual Objective journalist (remember those?). And I found it to be very informative on several levels. From the fires in California and governments incompetence to the Liberal / Leftist / Communist motivations to acquire absolute power and control.
Michael Shellenberger Exposes Who’s to Blame for the LA Fire Disaster: Dad Saves America: https://youtu.be/Z4JjmzuycRo?si=Jg4yS5aI-MIpXvWa 1 hr. 41 min.
I produced a related report on the long and well understood conditions that have existed in California: "THE DEVIL WIND": NOT CLIMATE CHANGE: "THE DEVIL WIND": NOT CLIMATE CHANGE
And I have also laid out what in fact lies at the foundation of the radical Left "progressives" who have infiltrated and have been absorbed into the Democrat party anti American / "Destroy the Patriarchy" political machine: DEMOCRATS: WHY THE SYSTEMIC INCOMPETENCE?
In the end these political insiders are all to a man, woman and everything in between clandestine elite Socialists and Communist operatives and facilitators. And they seek to destroy America.
Why? Because that is what clandestine elite Socialists and Communists do, they have nothing else to offer. Can you explain to me today what the Democrat political party has to offer the American people other than total destruction? Everything they have been involved in and done especially over the past 4 years tells you exactly what they intend.
"Feminism, the ideology dedicated to “smashing the patriarchy,” has instead made male lives the norm for everyone. After fifty years of radical feminism, we can’t even define “woman.” In this powerful new book, Carrie Gress says what cannot be said: feminism has abolished women."
"Destroying" is all the radical Left / Democrat party operatives who have been pushed out of political power by the people of America have, they bring NOTHING else to rationally solve real problems in the real world. NOTHING!
Those who are now in control of the floundering Democrat party machine and much of the Leftist corporate media talking heads are wolves in sheep's clothing.
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Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 1/23/25
