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When Kamala Harris CHOSE (?) her VP candidate, and when I realized, Tim Walz was an even farther Left radical then she was, and the Democrat party was not moderating I understood that could only be because of two reasons.

  1. The Democrat party was at this point in time being so committed and so dug into the "Destroy the Patriarchy" / "Fundamentally Transform America" Globalist "progressive" agenda that they were clearly giving the public the opportunity to freely choose. This is who we are. You know, honestly choose between the American Constitution and Capitalism, the two most powerful human concepts and forces for freedom and prosperity for the most people in the entire history of planet earth. Or choose a Subjective authoritarian do as you are instructed Democracy. The Globalists tell you: "In the future you will own nothing, and you will be happy".

  2. OR, those committed and true believer radical Leftist political warriors behind the scenes who run the Democrat party machine were so confident in all of the softening of the American election system through the laws, rules and courts that they have had installed and control nationwide. No need to be concerned. From mail in voting, to no I.D.'s, to no picture I.D., to Drop boxes, to non-citizens voting, to Leftist "Fellow Traveler" judges in court rooms. ALL Democrat party promoted, push for and installed institutional insecurity in the American election counting and tabulation system. No choice necessary.

The answer of course IMO is both. America needs to go back to the paper ballot election system. But the Democrats would never have it! So much time and effort put into THEIR election system. IF THEY CAN THEY WILL.

"Hackers from the annual DEF Con conference, “Voting Village,” found glaring securities issues with voting machines used in U.S. elections. Still, despite the findings, nothing will be fixed for the Nov. 5 election."

The Democrat party has plainly gone full Socialist and have not felt the need for moderation because they have a confidence based in a system designed and installed by them for their benefit.

Always Remember: Politics is not about truth and morality. Politics is about winning and the control of and the retention of power. Truth and morality are not the business that any politician or government is in.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 8/14/24

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