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Politicians both in the Democrat party and some in the Republican party in your government and some in corporate America are in the process of colluding, conspiring and delivering your country and your Constitution which constrains them by design, up to a radical / Leftist / Globalist agenda of absolute power and control. The Constitution is the enemy of every politically empowered politician that seeks to without review install their version of "Democracy", by design.

All politicians and governments want the Constitution gutted because it does not allow them to do as they please. 1. There is you the American citizen that the Constitution recognizes has fundamental Rights and it protects them. 2. There is the Constitution itself that stands between you and government. 3. And there are the politically empowered people who inhabit government who will without fail abuse their political power as it relates to the citizens' Rights.

And those in politics and government are diabolically and brilliantly using your own tax dollars to accomplish it! You are financing your own American citizen and sovereignty demise!

Where is the money for Americans who have suffered a massive disaster? It has been redirected and spent by the government that is importing their new Democrat voting block into America. The politically empowered politicians in your own government have abandoned you, the citizens of America because the citizens of America do not serve their political agenda purposes. Other than providing them with their tax dollars to spend on their own political power self-interests. Like I said, diabolical and BRILLIANT!

The evidence: They tell you exactly what they intend and are actively involved in accomplishing.

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D) said Saturday that social media companies must moderate content on their platforms or else “we lose total control.”

Ben Bergquam: Visits a Marriot Hotel which he is a member of after a Trump rally and is turned away because ONLY illegals are allowed into the hotel:

John Kerry (D): First Amendment is a "Major Block" to controlling what the people see, say and hear: 3 min.

Plain and simple, if you support the Democrat candidates in the upcoming presidential election you support and are a part of the clear and present danger that you can see right in front of your own eyeballs. You are them!

There are only two choices this coming 2024 presidential election and voting the Democrat ticket whose representatives are clearly unqualified for much of anything in running anything and are Socialist at the minimum. And if you cannot figure this one out, I suggest you just choose to stay home.

Are you paying attention YET America? JGL 10/7/24

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