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Updated: Aug 17, 2024

I had two interesting conversations the other day with two highly educated ladies, both working professionals. And these two conversations revealed to me in real time and in the real world just how uninformed and or misinformed or disinformed people can be. And this mis and dis informed condition is not in any way relegated to women only. Just as many men suffer from the same condition.

*The first lady is a bit older, and we began talking about the Olympics and the question of whether the person that was competing in the women's boxing competition was in fact a woman or not. And coincidently I was just that day reviewing the subject, and my personal opinion was that that those persons in question were in fact more male than female.

"(XXXX XXX) turned out at the Games despite being disqualified from the World Championships last year for allegedly failing gender eligibility tests."

And when you just look at pictures of these competitors competing against women in the women's boxing competition you can IMO clearly detect their physical advantage. Biological men should never be allowed to fight in any officially sanctioned environment against biological women. And so, the conversation went into the why and how these kinds of actual inequities are happening particularly now in the world. And she was in agreement with me 100%.

The how and the why: And then I explained that these kinds of counter intuitive actions by politically correct radical "progressive" organizations and governments are a direct result of the "Destroy the Patriarchy" agenda, and the Democrat party is leading the way.

And her robotic response was? "I do not go along with conspiracy theories". Uh, proforma political / media programmed indoctrinated uninformed perspective and response. She has never heard of the "Destroy the Patriarchy" (D.E.I. related) agenda promoted and pushed by the Democrat party in America. And maybe you also have not heard of it either. But even though she or you may not have heard of it does not mean that it does not exist. This radical "progressive" agenda fronted by the Democrat party today is what the insanity in politics and in the media is founded and justified by. Why are things so crazy and nonsensical in the world today? Think about it.

Feminist: "We must come together. We must support each other. We must not fight this fight in cliques of race, religion, able-ism, or class. We have to create radical change through intersectional feminism. We have to use white privilege to end white privilege. We have to use men allies’ voices to speak up for us. We have to be loud, not back down, resist, and persist."

And what do you have after these radicals who are now in positions of power and control in governments around the world and corporate America as a result of their indoctrination within universities and academia? THE PATRIARCHY IS DEAD! LONG LIVE THE PATRIARCHY! (

And when the subject of conversation came around to Israel (she is of Jewish heritage) and my stating that the Democrat party is clearly anti-Israel, and they are a direct threat to its existence. Our conversation ended; she was off.

And of course, the implications are that she is a Democrat voter and would and could never consider the voting alternative in the November presidential election. There are three modes of action in November: 1. You vote Left (D). 2. You vote Right (R). Or 3. You stay home. Thats it, choose one.

I will follow-up with her the next time I see her and see if she has come to any revelations regarding our conversation and any investigations she has conducted.

*And the second conversation was a with a younger lady, very intelligent, highly educated, who needs a roofer. I told her that my neighbor just had his roof done and I would acquire his phone number and send it on to her. Great!

(Point: If you notice there are no female roofing companies in the world. Meaning that the roofing company trucks never show up early in the morning and a bunch a ladies get out of the truck. Drag the 40-foot ladders off the roof racks, throw them up against your house and begin tearing the roof off of your house under a rising blazing sun. I know of none.)

She went on to explain that she was having her roof tended to in order to: "Prepare for the effects of Global Warming".

I said: "What? Who told you that?" "That is entirely ridiculous. Global warming has nothing to do with your roof and you needing to attend to it". She hesitated.

And it is ridiculous, people have been made so insane with the "Global Warming" meme and agenda that they are paralyzed with fear with the immediacy of the planet earths and their demise. That was a shorter conversation. I just sent her the phone number of the roofer she needs to prepare for "Global Warming". Oy.

I tend to generally agree with George Carlin on this subject: 7 min.

Improve the environment through better industrial practices and through technology how energy and products are produced, everyone is or should be an environmentalist. But the word "environmentalist" has been transformed into a word of fear, manipulation and emphasizes the "Mental" over the "Environment". KURT VONNEGUT: "EQUITY", "PROGRESSIVISM", "UTOPIA"! (

And the radical "progressive" operatives within government and media, primarily Democrats and RINO's bathed in Marxist theology of "equity" and control who seek absolute political power over all concerned use these manufactured fears and paralyzing paranoias to accomplish their agenda.

And this condition of psychological manipulation must be realized, revealed and rejected by all rational common-sense Americans. Fear however is a mighty motivator, and they use it to its best effect.

("Always Remember: Politics is not about truth and morality. Politics is about winning and the control of and the retention of power. Truth and morality are not the business that any politician or government is in.") CORE SIGMA3iOC

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 8/16/24

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Aug 18, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Unfortunately, all of the highly educated (air quotes) Academics, are only book smart, they are trained by the Ivy League institutions to learn, and then repeat (like a parrot) and then, if you Dare to question their teachings, they will make you an outcast on campus,humiliate you, cancel you, make you feel out of place and out of favor. You are now on the outside, looking in contrary to the sheep who are obediently herded for the sake of not making any waves…Not to mention the real factual news in real time not being reported! I think you should be catching on by now, so I will sign off with an old cliché, those who do not learn history, ar…


Aug 16, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Historically, humankind has established forms of autocracy, where the head of the tribe has the power to rule all. Whether you call him a king, chieftan, emperor or sheikh, this seems to be the default system of human nature and societies. Self-governance, in the form of republics, parliaments, and other systems of autonomy, are definitely in the minority. So we shouldn't be surprised that such free societies would be constantly under attack by those who see themselves as the natural rulers, supported by the many (possibly the majority?) who would prefer to be ruled.

Aug 17, 2024
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"THE PATRIARCHY IS DEAD! LONG LIVE THE PATRIARCHY!" There is peace in the world and equality before the law or there is war in the world and there is oppression and abuse of power and that is and always will be at the strategic choice of males. It is getting to the point where you are strong enough and wise enough to make the choice and, in the choice,

everyone concerned either benefits or suffers. Marxism, Socialism or Communism chooses the later. And that is exactly where America and the world finds themselves. Choose wisely.

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