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What is exactly being taught in the halls of higher education in America? Are they teaching HOW to think? Or are they teaching WHAT to think?

The coddling of the American mind: 6 min.

The American Liberal Democrat which IMO is a valid American political animal by their let's say "Less Strong" rational philosophical nature can and will be drawn into supporting and becoming radical and consciously or not will become essentially a supporter of anti-American propaganda and politics. They are systematically turned into what can only be described as Marxist in their political theory and justification in everything they do. And this philosophy must primarily use fear and division by class and race as their primary justification for all they do. They must foster hatred and division in other words. It is a political warfare strategy seeking to bolster their numbers by brain washing.

And that is simply what the education system in America has been slowly transformed into over the past 50 or so years. As a proof of what I propose in my work dealing with the public every day, dealing with many teachers and administrators within the education system, within the beast. I have never had one of them push back on what the video above proposes.

I will state: "The education system, particularly within the NYC education system teaches first racism and hatred". Not one teacher or administrators has ever argued with me or corrected me.

Most of these now disillusioned educators are existing within the massive politically polarized education beast machine and are all just working with their retirement and benefits package in mind. And they do what they are instructed to do from above, so they do not jeopardize that life / business model.

They have abandoned their own personal ideals about what education is and should be while operating within the massive indoctrination machine, "The Beast" and are fully focused on exiting it at their soonest opportunity.

Brain Washing. That is what education is today in America as per my observations. Is that what you as a mother or a father work so hard for and want for your children?

The authoritarian, the Marxist, the Leftist, the "progressive", the propagandist MUST have brain washing in education. It is all they have.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 1/7/25

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