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Now I recognized and wrote about the "Billy Bob Blow" speech by Michael Moore during the 2016 presidential race. AND IT WAS EPIC! The best rational for every American at the time to support Trump.

Michael Moore told a simplified but very accurate story about the unfolding political landscape in middle America during the 2016 presidential race. Moore ticked off the exact reasons that D.J. Trump, who is still not really a politician, was elected. Trump says what he thinks and intends, and he accomplishes it. Just like building a building, that is what he knows.

And now we get to why this speech by Mr. Moore is still relevant in 2024. This speech still explains exactly and reveals the Democrat party political warfare strategy and why they are comfortable and at peace with political treason.

The Democrat party machine STAR Chamber apparatchiks ask: "How can we the Democrat party effectively numerically dilute the next presidential election result effects of the middle-class American voter that Michael Moore correctly identified in 2016?"

Middle America who has had enough of their lives being systematically destroyed and sold off by the political and corporate power elites that be.

Take the 4 minutes and again carefully listen to Michael Moore's prophetic words.

Michael Moore "Billy Bob Blow" speech:

How can the Democrat party politically numerically dilute the correctly identified Michael Moore middle America effect on elections? BEGIN MASSIVE NEVER BEFORE SEEN ILLEGAL UNVETTED IMMIGRATION INTO AMERICA!

Democrat Machine: "Make sure that we control the results of the next 2020 presidential election and immediately open the borders and flood the country with millions of unvetted individuals from the third world who will be indebted to the Democrat party specifically for their very existence and have the American people pay for it all. Brilliant! And of course, encourage them in the many communities that they will be installed in to illegally vote in a system that is banned by Democrats from requiring I.D. and proof of citizenship in order to vote. Just a percentage of them will be sufficient." The Democrat party is strategically and purposefully committing political treason.

This is the justification for all of the illogical and irrational political action that you are witness to. Political power and control: CORE SIGMA3iOC

And I have spoken about this what some may characterize as a "Conspiracy Theory". As we have all seen in recent months and years it is a "Conspiracy Theory" until it becomes a plain and apparent truth over time.

"Always Remember: Politics is not about truth and morality. Politics is about winning and the control of and the retention of power. Truth and morality are not the business that any politician or government is in." JGL

In the past were you unable to rationalize and understand why the Democrat party with Joe Biden as the party facade for it did what they did at the border? WINNING at any cost! You see it, you intuitively know it, now you just have to accept it. Political treason.

And the fraud and political treason at any cost continues: TWO FACED "BADASSED" FRUAD: POLITICAL TREASON (

Now you understand what it is all about on your Pedestrian Realm terms, the question remains: What are you going to do about it?

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 9/21/24

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